发表论文 | 共发表SCI/SSCI论文80余篇,十篇代表性论文如下: [1] Fan Jie, Yu Lean, Li Xiang*, Shang Changjing, Ha Minghu, Reliable location allocation for hazardous materials, Information Sciences, Vol. 501, 688-70, 2019 (SCI) [2]Guo SN, Li X, Ching WK, Dan R, Li WK, Zhang ZW, GPS trajectory data segmentation based on probabilistic logic, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol. 103, 227-247, 2018 [3] Du Jiaoman, Li Xiang*, Yu Lean, Ralescu D, Multi-depot vehicle routing problem for hazardous materials transportation: A fuzzy bilevel programming, Information Sciences, Vol. 399, 201-21, 2017 (SCI) [4] Li Xiang*, Zhou Jiandong, Zhao Xiande, Travel itinerary problem, Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 91, 332-34, 2016 (SCI/SSCI) [5] Guo Sini, Yu Lean, Li Xiang*, Fuzzy multi-period portfolio selection with different investment horizons, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 254, 1026-1035, 2016 (SCI) [6] Wei Meiyi, Li Xiang*, Yu Lean, Time-dependent fuzzy random locationsche****ng programming for hazardous materials transportation, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 57, 146-165, 2015 (SCI) [7]Li Xiang*, Lo Hong Kam, An energy-efficient sche****ng and speed control approach for metro rail operations, Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 6 4, 73-89, 2014 (SCI/SSCI) [8] Li Xiang*, Lo Hong Kam, Energy minimization in dynamic train sche****ng and control for metro rail operations, Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 70, 269-284, 2014 (SCI/SSCI) [9] Li Xiang*, Shou Biying, Dan Ralescu, Train resche****ng with stochastic recovery time: A new track-backup approach, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Systems, Vol. 44, No. 9, 1216-1233, 2014 (SCI) [10] Su S, Li X, Tang T, and Gao Z, A subway train timetable optimization approach based on energy-efficient operation strategy, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol.14, No. 2, 883-893, 2013 (SCI)