发表论文 | 累计发表论文30余篇,其中: 英文论文(CPCI-SSH检索)8篇,CSSCI来源期刊收录20篇。本人为第一作者及通讯作者的代表性论文如下: [1]Haihong Li, Jiting Xu “Empirical Study on Financing Constraints and Financing Behaviors--Evidence from China’s Internet Listed Companies”Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research[J]. Vol.96, P271-274 (CPCI- SSH) [2]Haihong Li, Yufei Wang, Jiting Xu “Empirical Research on Management Incentives and Corporate Risk-taking Based on Analysis of A-share Listed Companies” Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research[J]. Vol.96, P275-279 (CPCI-SSH) [3]李海洪 胡金 我国银行业缓冲资本、风险与绩效 《经济问题》2015.9 P18-22(CSSCI) [4]Hu Jin,Yang Wenting,Li Haihong(通讯作者)“Empirical analysis on Banks' Capital Constraints and Assets Structure-evidence from China’s listed banks”The 6th (2014) International Conference on Financial Risk and Corporate Finance Management, 2014,Dalian, China.P171-174(CPCI- SSH) [5]李海洪 李刚 胡金 银行缓冲资本调节与资产风险变化-基于中国商业银行的实证研究 《金融论坛》 2014.4(第19卷) P8-13(CSSCI) [6]李海洪 胡金 收入多元化、银行风险与缓冲资本 《经济问题》2014.8 P71-748(CSSCI) [7]LI Haihong “An Empirical Study on Modification of the KMV Model’s Default Point” The 3rd (2011) International Conference on Financial Risk and Corporate Finance Management, 2011,Dalian, China. (CPCI-SSH) P191-195 [8]李海洪 我国不良资产证券化现金流偿付结构探析 《财会研究》2011.3 P73-76 (被人大复印资料《财务与会计导刊》 2011年6期P26-28全文转载)(北大核心) [9]李海洪 人力资源价值计量模式探析 《财政研究》2000.7 P67-68(CSSCI)