


2000-2004 首都经济贸易大学 劳动经济学院 人力资源管理专业 学士
2005-2006 曼彻斯特大学 商学院 人力资源管理与工业关系专业 硕士
2006-2011 卡迪夫大学 商学院 人力资源管理专业 博士
2011-2014 北京大学 经济学院 应用经济博士后流动站 博士后
2014-2018 首都经济贸易大学 工商管理学院 组织管理系 讲师
2019至今 北京化工大学 经济管理学院 工商管理系 副教授


本人研究兴趣主要领域为战略人力资源管理体系和工作设计,新兴领域为医疗卫生系统人力资源管理、能源经济等领域。目前,研究成果已经在经济管理,技术经济,Journal of Organizational Behavior(SSCI Q1), British Journal of Management(SSCI Q1), Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Resources(SSCI Q1), the International Journal of Human Resource Management(SSCI Q2), Personnel Review (SSCI Q2),North American Journal of Economics and Finance(SSCI Q2)等专业学术期刊发表。获得Journal Of Organizational Behavior期刊年度高阅读文章奖以及年度高被引文章奖。商业实践类论文载于Harvard Business Review(digital)。


1.Zhang, B. & Zhou, P.*(in press)Financial Development and Economic Growth in a Microfounded Small Open Economy Model, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.najef.2021.101544 (SSCI Q2)

2.Sun,X., Jia, M., Fang, S., Chen, M. & Zhang, B.* (2021) Drivers of Declining Energy Intensity all over the World: Based on the Perspective of National Industrial Production, Converter Magazine, 5, p. 468-479. (EI)

3.Zhang, B. Tang, F. Sun, B. Tang, Z, & Sun, X. * (2021) High-performance work systems, multiple commitments, and knowledge exchange and combination among Chinese public hospital nurses, Nursing Open https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.921(SSCI Q3) 

4.Zhang, B., Chen, J.*, A. T. Tian, F. C. Tang, Niu, Y. & Q, Zen, (online) The effects of industry dynamism, firm size, and ownership on HR strategic integration in China, The International Journal of Human Resource Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2020.1783344 (SSCI Q2)


6.刘学之,段朵朵,张勃,孙祥栋*(2021)环境规制、技术创新与企业绩效 ——基于石化行业VOCs排污收费政策的准自然实验, 中国环境管理(CSSCI).

7.Zhang, B., Zhang, Y., & Zhou, P.* (2021) Consumer Attitude towards Sustainability of Fast Fashion Products in the UK, Sustainability. Vol13, p.1646. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13041646 (SSCI Q2)

8.Zhang, B. & Zhou, P.* (2020) An economic evaluation framework for government-funded home adaptation schemes: a quantitative approach, Healthcare. Vol 8, No. 3, P.345. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare8030345 (SSCI Q2)

9.Zhang, B. J, Chen. *, A, Tian., J, Morris., and H, Fan. (2019) Industry capital intensity and firms’ utilization of HCWS: does firm size matter?, Personnel Review, 48 (2), 492-510. https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-03-2017-0069 (SSCI Q2)

10.Zhang, B.* (2019) “HR Change Agent Role, State Ownership, and Employee Behavioral Flexibility, A Collective Social Exchange Perspective”, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. https://doi.org/10.1111/1744-7941.12213 (SSCI Q1)

11.Zhao, C. Gao, Z. H.*, Cooke, F. L. & Zhang, B. (2019) Only Time Can Tell: Whether and When the Improvement of Career Development Opportunities Alleviates Knowledge Workers’ Emotional Exhaustion, British Journal of Management. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8551.12336  (SSCI Q1)

12.Gagné, M.*, Tian, A. W., Soo, C., Zhang, B., Ho, K. S. B., & Hosszu, K. (2019). Different motivations for knowledge sharing and hiding: the role of motivating work design. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(7), 783-799. https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2364 (Most read paper in Journal 2018-2019; top cited paper in journal 2019-2020) (SSCI Q1)

13.Gagné, M, Tian, A. W.*, Soo, C., Zhang, B., Ho, K. S. B., & Hosszu, K. (2019). Why employees don’t share knowledge with each other, Harvard Business Review (Digital), July, 19. https://hbr.org/2019/07/why-employees-dont-share-knowledge-with-each-other#comment-section


14.Zhang, B. and Morris, J.*(2014) “High Performance Work Systems and Organizational Performance: Testing the Mediation Role of Employee Outcomes Using Evidence from PR China”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management,25(1),68-90. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2013.781524 (SSCI Q2)

15.范合君*, 王乐欢, & 张勃. (2017) 独立董事委婉履职行为研究——基于清洁意见中文字情感分析视角.《经济管理》39(11), 85-99. (CSSCI)

16.周鹏*, & 张勃. (2011). 价格指数抽样统计方法研究.《中国统计》 (4), 51-53. (北大核心)

17.周鹏*, & 张勃. (2011). 浅析英国房价指数统计方法, 《数据》,1,61-63.


1.Zhang, B. & Chen, J. 2015. Technological Opportunity Matters? HR Configurations for Exploratory and Exploitative Innovation, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. 2015. DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2015.13838abstract.

2.Zhang, B. & Morris, J. 2015. Exploring the 'Black Box' of HRM-performance Relationship: Evidence from China. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. 2015.  DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2015.16172abstract.

3.Zhang, B., Chen, J. & Budhwar, P. 2016. Internal and external context: a social learning perspective on HPWS and product innovation. Academy of Management HR International Biannual conference, Sydney, Australia. 

4.Takeuchi, R; Chen, J; Chen, J. Zhang, B. 2016. Human Capital Resources Characteristics and Firm Performance: A Configuration Approach. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. 2016. DOI: 10.5465/AMBPP.2016.13471abstract.



2.孙祥栋,张勃,贾明珠,袁欧阳(2020)新时代煤炭能源主体地位的新特征,电力决策与舆情参考 (国家能源局内参)

3.汤志松,董光磊,张勃,孙祥栋 (2021)多措并举保障迎峰度夏期间煤炭供需平衡,电力与舆情参考(国家能源局内参)





3.共同主持,Cranet HRM project (China Region), 与Fang Lee Cooke教授共同主持中国区的研究项目。

4.曼彻斯特大学研究项目,Organisational forms and managerial work,参与,在研。主持人为Professor John Hassard 教授和Jonathan Morris教授。

5.主持北京化工大学,中央高校基本业务费研究项目 (BUCTRC202022).

6.主持首都经济贸易大学校级科研项目两项00191554410222 和2016XJG002。




2019-2020 Journal of Organizational Behavior, top download paper.

2020-2021 Journal of Organizational Behavior, highly cited paper

2020-2021 北京化工大学优秀共产党员