




2010.09-2014.06 首都师范大学 数学与应用数学;
2014.09-2016.07 中国人民大学 运筹学与控制论;
2016.09-2020.06 中国人民大学 概率论与数理统计。



[1] Zhang Yi, Li Xiang*, Wang Liang, Zhao Xiande, Gao Jinwu, Financing capital-constrained third party logistic firms: fourth party logistic driven financing mode vs. private lending driven financing mode, International Journal of Production Research, accept, 2021. (FMS B, ABS 3, SCI, IF: 8.568, JCR: Q1)
[2] Zhang Yi, Gao Jinwu*, Li Xiang, Yang Xiangfeng, Two-person cooperative uncertain
differential game with transferable payoffs, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, accept, 2021. (FMS C, ABS 3, SCI, IF: 4.128, JCR: Q1)
[3] Zhang Yi, Gao Jinwu*, Retailer’s operational decision based on EOQ model with upstream flexible two-part trade credit and downstream partial trade credit, Journal of Uncertain System, accept, 2021.
[4] Zhang Yi, Gao Jinwu*, Fu Zongfei, Valuing currency swap contracts in uncertain financial market. Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 2019, 18(1):15-35.(FMS C, ABS 3, SCI/SSCI, IF: 4.128, JCR: Q1)
[5] Zhang Yi, Gao Jinwu*, An Qi, International investing in uncertain financial market. Soft Computing, 2018, 22(16):5335-5346. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 3.643, JCR: Q2)
[6] Zhang Yi, Gao Jinwu, Huang Zhiyong*, Hamming method for solving uncertain differential equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017, 313(15):331-341. (SCI, IF: 4.091, JCR: Q1)

[7] Liu Jin, Zhang Yi*, The stability analysis for uncertain heat equations based on p-th moment. Soft Computing, 2020, 24(4):2833-2839. (SCI, IF: 3.643, JCR: Q2)
[8] Xiao Chen, Zhang Yi*, Fu Zongfei, Valuing interest rate swap contracts in uncertain financial market. Sustainability, 2016, 8:1186-1193. (SCI/SSCI, IF: 3.251, JCR: Q2)
[9] Tian Miao, Yang Xiangfeng*, Zhang Yi, Lookback option pricing problem of mean-reverting stock model in uncertain environment. Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 2021,17(5):2703-2714. (SCI, IF: 1.801, JCR: Q3)
[10] Tian Miao, Yang Xiangfeng*, Zhang Yi, Barrier option pricing of mean-reverting stock model in uncertain environment. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2019, 166:126-143. (SCI, IF: 2.463, JCR: Q2)


1. 网约车平台定价及激励策略研究:基于公平关切视角,2021.01-2022.06,中国博士后科学基金面上资助,负责人:张艺,主持。
2. 第四方物流信用融资模式定价策略研究,2021.01-2023.01,中央高校基本科研业务费,负责人:张艺,主持。


获奖情况1. 中国运筹学会不确定系统分会优秀论文奖