

基本信息姓  名李雅婷职称/导师级别讲师照片
联系方式邮箱    liyt@buct.edu.cn

2015-2019, 南开大学,管理学博士;                                                              


工作经历2021-2024, 清华大学,博士后
发表论文[1]Pengwen Hou, Tongling Feng, Yating Li*, Shuxia Peng. 2024. Blockchain adoption for product freshness traceability under platform competition. International Journal of Production Research (ABS3, SSCI). Accepted.
[2]Pengwen Hou, Chi Zhang, Yating Li*. 2024. The interplay of manufacturer encroachment and blockchain adoption to combat counterfeits in a platform supply chain. International Journal of Production Research(ABS3, SSCI). 62(4), 1382-1398.
[3]Yating Li, Liying Mu*. 2023. The role of offline trade in sharing accommodation[J].  Decision Sciences(ABS3, SSCI) . 54, 101-112.
[4]Penwen Hou, Yaru Zhao, Yating Li*. 2023. Strategic analysis of supplier integration and encroachment in an outsourcing supply chain. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review(ABS3, SSCI/SCI). 177, 103238.
[5]Ling Li, Qiuyu Guo, Yating Li*. 2023. Implications of demand information transparency on platform’s bundling strategy. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management(ABS3, SSCI). 71, 9618-9629.
[6]Yating Li, Ting Chen*, Xinxin Zhang, Jiahang Yuan. 2023. The encroachment strategy under eco-innovation collaboration with delayed realized efficiency information. Kybernetes(ABS1, SSCI). Ahead-of-Print.
[7]Jiahang Yuan*, Li Wang, Yating Li, Yuwei Wang, Tao Ma, Xinggang Luo. 2022. Set pair prediction for Chinese natural gas energy security based on higher-order Markov chain with risk attitude[J]. Resources Policy(SSCI). 77, 102741.
[8]Yating Li, Bin Li, Gang Wang, Shuai Yang*. 2021. The effects of consumer animosity on demand for sharing-based accommodations: Evidence from Airbnb[J]. Decision Support Systems(ABS3, SSCI/SCI). 140,113430.

[1]2023.7-2024.9, ““双碳”目标下共享平台企业可持续运营策略研究”,中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目, 主持

[2]2023.1-2026.1,“智能算法控制下的数字平台资本积累机制研究”,国家社会科学基金青年项目, 主研

[3]2018.1-2020.12, “有限信息下稳健型库存订购与需求配给策略研究”, 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 参与

[4]2015.10-2016.9, “天津国家自主创新示范区创新创业生态体系建设对策研究”,天津市科委项目, 参与 

[5]2018.1-2020.12,“供应链视角下考虑网络效应的技术授权与产品定位策略研究”,教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目, 参与

获奖情况2019.6  南开大学管理科学与工程学术论坛论文一等奖
2017.6  南开大学管理科学与工程学术论坛论文一等奖
2016.6  南开大学管理科学与工程学术论坛论文二等奖